Pricing and Registration

Registration Details for Exhibitors

Exhibitor Registration is open. The Contract Contact for your company received an email from [email protected] containing a link to the registration portal, as well as your company’s unique password and instructions on how to register your booth staff.

This section of the website is for companies who have already reserved an exhibit space to register their booth staff. If you would like to reserve a booth, please email [email protected] or complete this form.

If you are planning to attend as a Non-Exhibiting Supplier, please click here for pricing and registration information.

Each exhibitor firm receives two (2) comp booth registrations per 100 sq. ft. specifically for personnel working exhibitor’s booth (if you have a 10×10 booth you will receive 2 free registrations, if you have a 10×20 booth you will receive 4 free registrations and so on). If you need additional badges for exhibitor booth staff, you can do so during the registration process. The chart below outlines the pricing for additional badges.  If you have any questions, contact [email protected].

Please note: All comp booth registrations end November 5. Be sure to register any booth staff by November 5 if utilizing the comp registrations. After November 5, any remaining complimentary allotments are forfeited. Thank you for your understanding.


Exhibitor Registration Pricing

Prices listed below will be charged for each badge over the allotted amount for exhibitors
NOTE: All prices listed as EDmarket Member Price/Non-Member Price

Description Standard:
0/22  – 11/14
+ Full Conference Registration

Includes: EDsessions, Opening Plenary (Tuesday), EDmarketplace, EDfest (Wednesday)

over allotment

Make your EDspaces Experience your own! The below table outlines all of the additional events you can add to your registration

Event Price
EDfacility Tour A (K-12) – NOON to 5:00 PM (11/11/24) $165
EDfacility Tour B (K-12) – NOON to 5:00 PM (11/11/24) $165
EDchannels Symposium – 1:00 to 5:00 PM (11/11/24)
Bold Women, Bold Conversations Networking Reception – 5:00 to 6:30 PM (11/12/2024) $36
EDfest Guest ticket – 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM (11/13/2023) $75
EDfacility Tour C (K-12) – 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM (11/14/24) $165
EDfacility Tour D (Higher Ed) – 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM (11/14/24) $165