
Prioritizing Outdoor Learning: Challenges and Success Stories

By integrating outdoor learning and natural play spaces into the curriculum, schools can foster not just academic excellence but also crucial life skills and environmental stewardship among students. The evidence...

Inclusion by Design: 6 Ways to Create Project Based Learning Spaces for Neurodiverse Students

As the educational landscape continues to evolve, the importance of designing inclusive learning spaces that cater to the needs of neurodiverse students has become front of center for many districts....

A Foolproof Guide to Smart Tools in Schools

A teacher’s toolbox used to consist of chalk, pencils, papers, and the odd apple, but hybrid technology has now taken priority with the advent of a new generation of educators...

Embracing AI: Six Predictions for the Future on Using ChatGPT in Strategic Procurement

As the landscape of procurement continues to evolve, the potential for improved efficiency, improved supplier relationships, and strategic decision-making is immense. As school administrators embrace these advancements, and by strategically...

What Do Teachers Need? How to Design Schools with Educators in Mind

The role of classroom design has emerged as a pivotal factor in improving teacher satisfaction and effectiveness. The insights from Corgan's "Design Lessons from Teachers 2.0" report provide a comprehensive...

Braving the Storm: Shelter Guide for Schools

As climate change increases the severity of storms reaching beyond Tornado Alley, schools are considering storm shelters for the safety of their students and staff – if funding allows.